Wayne's Sharp World

Wayne is a true knife enthusiast who takes his passion to the next level. With over 1,300 knife related videos on his YouTube channel, appearances at blade shows, and experience in designing his own production pocket knife, he’s an authority in the field. Check out his thoughts on the Orbital Knives Callisto!

Knathan's Knives

Nathan is a rare expert in the world of knives. With over 1,000 videos on his YouTube channel, a talent for customizing his blades, and regular appearances at the Kansept Knives booth at every Blade Show, he’s a true authority. See what he had to say about our debut release!


Brian is a true EDC enthusiast, especially when it comes to knives. With over 500 YouTube videos showcasing blades up close, he's handled hundreds of them. Fun fact: Brian was among the first to order the Callisto on Orbital Knives' launch day, making him a key part of our story!


This guy's passion is so evident. Please, meet AriesEDC. He is a knife marker, Youtuber, and overall EDC hobbyist. With over 1.1k videos on his Youtube Channel, he has mastered the craft of gear review going into details most people wouldn't consider. Please, see what he has to say about our first offering, the Callisto.